Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Contribution

I was just going back through my previous couple of posts.  You guys must think by now that I am one, negative, cynical, glass "half empty" kind of person.

Au contraire kind reader.  I am (in person) one of the most happy, positive people that you will ever meet.  I do have a tendency to make fun of things, especially really obvious things.  I mean I still believe strongly that "news" shows should NOT be able to report on anything that is not "new".  I mean, c'mon the Arabs don't like the Israelis and vice-versa, we get it!  We Americans tend to start wars when we feel our right to fill up our gas guzzlers is threatened, OK that's a given!  Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton will jump in front of a camera faster than Cynthia McKinney can assault a capitol hill police officer, you bet!

So today I am going to make a lifehacker-like contribution to the readership at large (all two of you).  If you don't know the wonders of lifehacker, please click one of the links above or the link over to the right.  I don't make any money from this referral, I am doing this completely from the goodness of my heart ('tis the season!).

Have you ever wanted a personal knowledgebase?  For those of you who don't know what a knowledge base is, it is basically a personal database that you can search and ask anything.  It's a bit like Dumbledore's pensieve in the Harry Potter books/movies.  Say I was trying to find an online receipt from something I had bought on eBay of last year.  I could search for "eBay receipt 2007" and all of the e-mails or documents, or whatever would appear as a result in my search screen.  Lost an e-mail address for "Joe Smith"?  No problem, just type "Joe Smith" and the last few e-mails from that person pop up.  How about that great article on "How to make money blogging?", just type in a few keywords and search for that also.

Pretty cool, eh?

Well, let me be the first to deliver the great news!  Now you (YES YOU!) can have your own personal knowledgebase for only $19.99!  But wait, there's more!  How about some wind chimes?...

Just kidding, what I'm about to describe is free.  Maybe I am a bit cynical after all.

Several free web-based e-mail services now offer what amounts to unlimited storage.  This is very cool and makes my knowledgebase dream very easy!  I don't know about you, but I've been using free, web-based e-mail offerings for over ten years and they've only gotten better and better in their usability and functionality.  The two services that I use for my knowledge base are Google's Gmail service and Yahoo's Yahoo mail.

Now, in my case I split my knowledge bases into two separate accounts for two different types of data.  The Yahoo account is for my business and I use Gmail for all things personal.  I also have a pop3 account through that I use to "funnel" everything from my desktop (Microsoft Outlook) to these two online e-mail accounts.  (I do pay $2.99/month for this pop3 account, but it is well worth it for the features I get.)

For example, if I get an e-mail that is for business and I want to keep it (forever!) I simply forward it to my yahoo e-mail address and add any keywords that I want ("receipt", "eBay", "2007", "UGA keg tap") to the message body.  Anything "personal" that I get, say a funny joke from one of my friends I forward to my personal account with keywords "funny", "joke", "Ron White drunk in public".  Receipts for paid bills online or items I buy this season for Christmas I forward to my personal account with the keywords "Christmas", "2007" and "receipt".

Now, this isn't just limited to e-mails.  I can forward any e-mail, again with the proper keywords in the message body, containing ANY attachment (pictures, web-links, documents, spreadsheets, etc, etc).

I don't even use folders in these accounts any more - heck, unlimited storage is unlimited storage!

When I go to retrieve something I just log in to my online account and use the "search" feature.

Please enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

On Inefficiencies and Human Nature

You know, I thought long and hard about the title of this blog entry.  I read a lot as well (I told you that already, right?).

I just finished an article in this month's Fortune magazine entitled "What Were They Smoking?".  Great title.  And very appropriate given the subject nature of the article.  It's a wonderful story about plain old-fashioned corporate greed.  The sub-plot though is an observation on human nature.  How does the saying go?  "Success has many parents and failure is a bastard child".  A new CEO was named for Citi, one of the largest "losers" in the sub-prime mortgage mess.  First thing out of the gate what did this new CEO do?  Not only blame his predecessor, but profess his innocence and ignorance to the multi-billion dollar mess being created.  Now, I will profess not to have much understanding in the doings of Wall Street and billion dollar CDO deals, but if the guy claims a pay check in the $17 million dollar range (just for last year) I would think he would pay attention to something that was gobbling up $40 billion of his company's investment strategy.  It's a great article, I would highly recommend picking up a copy.  By the way, it looks like Citi is getting bailed out in the short term my some middle east investors.  Citi will pay a huge amount of interest (and give up 11% of the company), but hey, their short term books will look a lot better.  Time to put in my sell order.

So, today's post is really about two subjects.  Firstly, what I call the "blame game".  Secondly, the inefficiencies of human organization.

Let's talk about the blame game.  This one is easy and I know I'm probably just being a master of the obvious.  On the Dawgvent, we call this "germans".  As in "Remember, when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!?!" from Animal House.  I feel the need though to point out some obvious observations.

I was having this discussion over the Thanksgiving break with my wife's father.  So, what happens if we "succeed" (definition questionable) in Iraq?  The Republicans will take the credit, well but then again the Democrats will as well.  Include a smattering of independents, libertarians and general wackos (Cynthia McKinney) in this and no one will have done anything wrong or made any mistakes in judgement (apologies to the almost 4000 brave men and women who have lost their lives and the estimated 300,000 civilian casualties).  On the other hand, what happens if we "fail" (again, definition questionable).  The safe money bet here again is that the finger pointing will begin.  Ring a bell?  Just like what is happening at Citi.  (The before-mentioned Fortune article spends most of its newsprint talking about what is about to happen at Merrill - so watch out, here we go again.)  Now, other than just general human nature being what it is, how did this come about?

That question brings me to my second subject.  I swear I did not read this in any management book.  If anyone can post a reference I will respectfully give credit and apologize to the author.

Whenever a human organization (corporation, club, government, political party, etc) reaches 1000 people in size its effectiveness becomes maximized at that level.  Any subsequent growth of 1000 people reduces it effectives by 25%.  And so on and so on.  Why 1000?  Completely based on observation - I have absolutely no statistical data to justify this (see my previous post on statistics).  I have really enjoyed working for companies with less than 100 people, everyone has a job, everyone knows that if it's "nobody's responsibility" then it becomes their own.  If they don't pull their own weight they are obviously recognizable and (with good management practices) cut from the fold.  In large corporations (greater than 10,000 employees) the less talented, the less intelligence, frankly the less entrepreneurial can find a nice little hole for themselves, defer, deflect and generally avoid any and all responsibility - and probably end up making a pretty nice life for themselves.  I call these people "hobbits".  You know them, you've dealt with them before.  They pick up the phone when you call customer "service", they process your expense reports, they "help" make your corporate travel reservations while constantly reminding you of "corporate policy".

Hey you can't buy that plane ticket that gets you to the client 3 hours earlier!  It costs $100 more and corporate policy plainly states that you must buy the lowest coach ticket available for that day's travel.  No, it doesn't matter that you are billing $200/hr and will therefore miss $600 of revenue opportunity, it is against policy.

Airlines are great examples of this.  A friend recently arrives in Atlanta on a connecting flight.  By some miracle, his original flight actually gets to Atlanta early!  (wow)  He walks to the gate of his connection to find a earlier flight (empty) and boarding for his final destination.  The airline agent at the gate (I won't name the airline, but they are the biggest airline in/out of Atlanta) says the flight is available and he will get home almost 3 hours early - great!  The only bad news is they want to charge him an additional $50 for this privilege.  This airline has an empty flight, it costs them nothing to put him on the earlier flight.  They also miss out on the opportunity to potentially sell his original seat on the later flight (which is nearly full) to someone else for more money.

This is what I mean by being anti-entrepreneurial.  This is inefficient, this is why foreign entities are kicking our butts in the business arena.  Face it folks, we have lost "it".  You know, the thing that made us business giants?  "It" does not involve finger pointing - "it" demands responsibility.  "It" does not involve inefficiencies at every turn and hiring non-entrepreneurial personnel.  "It" is something that CAN be taught, you don't have to be born with "it".

As Americans frankly, we need to do better.  I'm committed to "it", are you?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My First "Political" Post

First of all, one of the things that I considered (not so seriously) before I started this BLOG was the fact that I was probably eliminating once and for all any future hope that I have of running for public office.  No great loss really - based on the time that I have spent in and around politicians.  Not all of them are bad, don't get me wrong, I think at least 5% of the politicians out there are honest, hard working, true American patriots and I really do admire those people.

I read extensively, sometimes two or three books a week.  Books are great for travel - they never need batteries or re-charging, they may remain "in the on position" for takeoffs and landings and I've been fortunate enough to find a great Netflicks-like book service located at  For this reason you will find many book links on this site, sometimes on the side bar but mostly embedded in the text of my posts.

The best two books (stay with me here I'm getting to the politics) I've read in the last couple of years are 48 Laws of Power and State of Fear .

"Power" is written by Robert Greene and provides incredible life lessons in dealing with people and the world in general in both your personal and business lives.  It's a very easy read and quite simply the best management book I've ever read.  My biggest "take" from the book was to pay less attention to WHAT people are saying and make a bigger effort to understand the WHY of what they are saying.

Along this same vein is "State" by Michael Crichton (yes, he of "Jurassic Park", "The Andromeda Strain" and "Timeline" fame).  In "State of Fear" MC takes on global warming and just about anything that instills the "fear" into human beings.  It's a wonderful narrative on how gullible people can be and how right Mark Twain was ("There are three types of lies - lies, damn lies and statistics").  Is global warming real or something just used to resurrect the political life of Al Gore?  Read this book before you decide.

Which leads to my political statement (finally, right?).

I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor do I subscribe to any grandiose conspiracy theories.

But we are SO gullible.  By "we" I mean the general public.  You know, regular "honest Joe" citizens.  Folks in your neighborhood with wives, children, jobs, 2.3 cars, 1.5 pets and a boatload of debt (both "good" and "bad").

So let's ask ourselves the question of the day: How does media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc) make money?  C'mon this is easy, you know the answer, right?

Let me give you a hint, they DO NOT make money by subscription fees.  Just as they do not make money by going door to door selling wrapping paper or selling Krispy Kremes on the corner. 

Quite simply, they make money by SELLING AD SPACE.

And they don't sell AD SPACE unless there are people reading their product.

(still with me here?)

So based on THEIR motivation then (thank-you Mr. Greene) the media is completely (and in some cases unethically) motivated around selling AD SPACE no matter what.  It doesn't matter if they have to make up the news, it doesn't matter if they happen to pay off or somehow otherwise financially motivate their sources, NONE OF THAT MATTERS!  All that matters to the media industry is that there are people like you and me that "consume" their product on a regular basis.  (and that they can "prove" this to the corporations actually purchasing the ad space)

You've also got to ask yourself, how much of the "news" that I consume during the course of the day are events that actually "happen" or items that are found or manufactured by the delivery mechanism?  It's just another way to look at your information consumption and (IMO) something you should think about every time you use the reading skills you learned in first grade.

Remember a few years ago that Ebola was the biggest threat in the world and something that required IMMEDIATE attention???  Millions (billions maybe) were made on magazine articles, television "specials", Hollywood movies, etc just to nurture this horrible, terrible thing that was sure to wreak havoc upon humankind.

Now, I might have these out of order, but since then we're been confronted (affronted) with: avian bird flu, killer asteroids, killer bees, ozone holes, terrorist "dirty bombs", shoe bombs, killer hurricanes, tsunamis, and of course global warming.

What will it be next week?  I have no idea, but I do admire the media for their originality.

By the way, one last jab at global warming, one of my favorite Gore'isms.  "The earth is warmer than it has been in over 900 years!"

So tell me Al, what the heck was going on 900 years ago that made the earth so warm?  It sure as heck wasn't global industrialization and CO2 emissions.

My guess is cow farts.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In The Beginning

First of all, welcome.

I have been reading blogs, taking advantage of their advice, sending links from their pages, etc, etc and I have finally decided to start adding my own 0.02.

I would like to start by telling you a bit about myself, but that would just be boring.  So instead, fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride.  In time you will understand a bit about me, hopefully see things from a different perspective (clarity is very big in my book) and maybe take some use from the links and helpful hints that I post.

I don't plan on posting hourly, daily or even weekly - just when I find the inspiration.

I will apologize in advance to anyone that I may offend with my views.  That is surely not my intention.  My intent is to be an observer, a reporter on "things" if you will.  If I report something inaccurately I have no problem admitting my mistake and posting a correction (and not on page 34D of the AJC).

That's it for now over the next week or so I will be adding a lot more content.  I'd like to start with my favorite reading materials from the past year or so (books, magazine articles, web links, etc).

Here we go, it's either going to suck or maybe I can have a "+" impact.